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Super Potassium Humate 98% Flakes

Pushpak Agrofert Pvt. Limited

Super Potassium Humate 98% Flakes

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Description –

  • Super Potassium Humate 98% Flakes is an efficient organic product, which helps in development of roots parts of plants with shoot and vegetative growth.
  • It contains amino acid to create metabolism activity and immunity power of crops.
  • It can be mix with any inorganic fertilizer.

Dose and Application - Drip : 500 Gm per Acre, Foliar : 2g per ltr water

Stage of Application - Germination & Vegetative Growth

Packing Size - 20kg

Form of Material - Flakes

Appearance / Colour - Black

Solubility - 100% Water Soluble

Specification - Humic Acid : 65%, Potassium : 8%, Organic Matter : 32%

Targeted Crops - Suitable for all crops


Suggested Usage

Dose and Application: Soil
Stage of Application: Germination
Packing Size: kg
Form of Material: Granules
Appearance / Colour: Black
Solubility: Soluble
Specification: Humic
Targeted Crops: Suitable for all crops

Kartik shelke

Nice Product

Mr. Jahagirdar

Wow!! Great Product with Quality service

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